Family photography is how we remember who we are and where we came from. This is true, of course, not matter where you live, but here in Albuquerque, those ties go way back. Now, maybe we are a little biased, as we are one of those who are lucky to call New Mexico “home,” but we consider the family photographs we take in Albuquerque and really, all over the state, as a way to honor those ties.
Albuquerque Culture
Albuquerque has a rich history and vibrant culture that’s reflected in its architecture, landscape and people. AND in its food. Oh, the food! Many Albuquerque families can trace their family line back many generations. Traditions and stories are passed down in an attempt to preserve them for future generations.
Why Family Photography?
Family photography here in the Land of Enchantment is another way to make sure the story of “who you are” is recorded and remembered. Family photographs help us remember the people, places and events that shaped our lives and our city. In addition, they also help us honor our heritage.
Albuquerque is home to many diverse cultures. Family photographs can capture the traditions, clothing and customs that are unique to each culture, providing a visual record of our rich history and cultural diversity. Think about how much we know NOW about prior generations all thanks to an old black and white photograph tucked away in an album.
Many Reasons to take a family photograph
There are many reasons to gather The Fam for a family photo that go beyond preserving traditions, of course. But in a world that’s changing fast and that often disregards the past and its people as unimportant, a photograph taken with the those you love is one of the best stories you can pass on to future generations.